The CSM27001 Scheme provides a model for certifying organisations' ISMS Scopes against internationally recognised MS ISO/IEC 27001 standard.
MyTrustSEAL is a collaboration of trustmark service between CSM and its partner. CSM provides its expertise in validating web application security and other partners may contribute their expertise based on their field work.
MyCC scheme
Malaysian Common Criteria Evaluation and Certification Scheme (MyCC Scheme) is a systematic process for evaluating and certifying the security functionality of ICT products against defined criteria or standards.
MyCC Scheme evaluates and certifies the security functionality within ICT products against International standard:
MyCC Scheme evaluates and certifies the security functionality within ICT products against International standard:
- ISO/IEC 15408 (Information technology -- Security techniques-- Evaluation criteria for IT security) also known as Common Criteria (CC) and;
- ISO/IEC 18405 (Information technology -- Security techniques-- Methodology for IT security evaluation) also known as Common Evaluation Methodology (CEM).
Common Criteria and Mutual Recognition
Common Criteria (CC) was created to harmonise criteria produced by a number of nations including the United States (TCSEC), European (ITSEC) and Canada (CTCPEC) for carrying out security evaluations, into a single set of common criteria. The CC is now recognised as the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standard, ISO/IEC 15408 (Information technology -- Security techniques-- Evaluation criteria for IT security), and regarded as the international benchmark for IT security evaluation criteria.