List of Archived Certified Products and Systems.
MyCC = Products certified by MyCC Scheme before recognized as CCRA Authorizing Participants.
CCRA = Products certified by MyCC Scheme after recognized as CCRA Authorizing Participants.
MQAssureTM NetSignOn version 3.0 is a client authentication agent which integrates with Windows operating system platform for desktops and laptops. It leverages multiple authentication methods such as MyKAD, biometric (Fingerprinting/Iris), USB Token, and userid/password to perform login functionality to a system in a Domain (Network connected mode and network disconnected mode). The scope of the evaluation only covers NetSignOn that runs in system which is connected to the domain.
MQAssure™ NetSignOn v2.0 is EAL1 certified by MyCC Scheme in 2012. The additional features of MQAssure™ NetSignOn v3.0 can be found in the Excutive Summary of the Certification Report.
The scope of the evaluation covers major security features as follows:
- User Data Protection – The TOE provides various methods in enforcing user authentication. The users can login to the domain via one of the following methods: Userid and password combination, or MyKAD and PIN/password combination, or MyKAD and Biometric (finger printing) combination, or eKey and PIN combination, or iris Biometric image. Userid and password combination must be combined with either MyKAD or eKey or iris biometric authentication scheme. Regardless of the authentication mechanism used, the initial userid must be entered at the very beginning of the authentication process.
- Identification and Authentication - The TOE allows authorized user to access the TOE once user is successfully identified and authenticated by the TOE.
- Security Management - The TOE provides various management functions to ensure efficient and secure management of the TOE such as user management and changing password through NetSignOn user application or MQAssureTM Identity Manager (IM).
Ramdas Nemani
Units A-02-07 & A-02-09 SME Technopreneur Center,
Cyberjaya 2270 Jalan Usahawan 2
63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor,
Phone: 603 8318 2964
Fax: 603 8319 2534